Thursday, June 23, 2016

An Outpost of Community - The Shoal Creek Fireworks Tent

Yes, fireworks are cool in and of themselves. 

For sure, the money raised absolutely supports vital functions of Shoal Creek's mission to positively affect the Northland.

But perhaps the most overlooked, yet consistently present, benefit of volunteering at the Shoal Creek Fireworks Tent is the connections you get to make with the other volunteers that are giving up their time to support Shoal Creek's mission to change lives. 

Year in and year out, the amount of new people I get to meet when I work at the Tent astounds me. I see many faces in passing on Sunday, rarely interacting with other attenders for more than a few seconds at a time. The Tent has become place where I get to take the journey from Stranger to Friend, with so many other people who call Shoal Creek home, but whom I don't normally get the chance to interact in the one hour service we call "church" on Sundays. 

Maybe you're newer to Shoal Creek and have been wondering how to jump in and form some relationships with the other people that sit beside and around you on Sunday mornings. Or, maybe you've attended for years, and still find yourself only knowing one or two other families in your life stage with whom you frequent the auditorium. Regardless of what your personal journey at Shoal Creek has looked like thus far, there's a communal journey to be had that offers immense value to you in the form of new relationships with others that are created in the same image of God that you are. 

If forming new relationships with others is truly an invaluable experience that God has designed for each one of us to take part in, then you can't afford NOT to sign up for a shift at the Tent. There is someone that if you were to meet them, they would add value to your life. The opportunity is waiting.


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