Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Attention: Parents of Teens!

Come join us for our first ever meeting in The Attic at Shoal Creek as we create a safe place for parents of teens to:
  • Gather and Connect with Other Parents Experiencing the Same Life Stage
  • Encourage and Be Encouraged
  • Discuss Topics Relevant to Parenting Teenagers
For your attendance you will not only be rewarded with opportunities to find some direction in this unique stage of life, but also with a killer "Hot Chocolate Bar" and Dessert.

If you have a student in middle school or high school this is for you. This isn't just for parents who go to Shoal Creek either. Please feel free to invite other parents who don't even know what Shoal Creek is. We just want to create a place where any parent of teen can say...


...and by saying that, help each other take our first steps towards finding and providing the direction our families need. 


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