Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Shoal Creek Student Family Connection (3/29)

Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. 5 Non-Negotiables When Talking To Your Teens About Sex - If you missed last week's ParenTeen Post, then catch it here
2. "Vamos!" St. Louis Road Trip - Save the date for 5/21. "Vamos!" is our 18 hour, all-day road trip where we can take 45 students to St. Louis for some really fun, really good time together. Mark your calendars and be on the look out for registration info in the weeks to follow.
Here's are the events/programs that are available for our Shoal Creek "Buya" and "Crash" students:
  1. "Buyaprogram every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
  2. "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
  3. Wyldlife Club for Buya Students - Currently available every other week at South Valley Middle School in Liberty, from 3pm-4:15pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  4. Liberty, Liberty North, Kearney HS's Young Life Club - Every other week at the home of Rick and Jayme Paul (8603 N Sycamore Ave, KCMO), 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  5. Oak Park High School Young Life Club - Every other week at the Oak Park High School Library, 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  6. Staley High School Young Life Club - Every other week at 1218 NE 102nd Ct, Kansas City, MO 64155, 7:30-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Shoal Creek ParenTeen Post - 5 Non-Negotiables When Talking To Your Teenager About Sex

Completely and unashamedly plagiarized from the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding's podcast (that you can listen to for yourself here). These are 5 "non-negotiables" when it comes to having conversations with your teenager about sex and sexuality.

1. Start with what God is FOR, not what God is AGAINST. When we "speak" for God, much of the time it's in the form us of explaining to our kids what God says "NO" to, instead of what God says "YES" to. This is especially true concerning sex. We need to help our kids understand that God created sex and sexuality, and that they're inherently good, not inherently bad. More carrot less stick. By being overly negative about sex, or by only talking about how sex can get us into trouble instead of talking more about how sex is beneficial (in the right, God-defined context, which we'll get to), we discourage healthy conversations between us and our kids that need to happen more regularly.
2. Choose Your Words Carefully. Start talking about sexual "INTEGRITY" over sexual "PURITY". Traditionally, Christians have used the terminology of telling our kids they need to seek "Purity", meaning, "Don't give yourself to anyone else so that you can maintain your purity." Christians have tended to lean on trying to get their kids to think about sex as something they keep locked away, not to let out until the right time. However, no matter how hard we try, our kids are going to screw up. Maybe not in the literal sense of having sex as in literally "sexual intercourse", but at the very least by viewing pornography, or engaging in other sexual behaviors. When screw ups and bad decisions happen, we don't want our kids to think they're "used up" and no longer "clean". Making the switch to talking about sexual "integrity" over "purity" creates a better kind of conversation, because the conversation isn't so "binary" anymore, like "did you or didn't you screw up?" Screws aren't so "permanent" in a sense, and we can coach our kids towards better decision-making without them having to feel so dirty.
3. Debunk Media Myths About Sex. The average 13-18 year old spends NINE hours per day connected to media/devices (NOT including media/devices used at/for school and school work). What do you think those NINE hours/day of media are teaching our kids about what is "normal" for sex and sexuality? What do Niki Manaj, Justin Beiber, and Kanye have to say to our kids about what their sexuality should look like? We have to use what our kids are watching and listening to as teaching moments, without going so far as to say "You can't listen to them anymore!" We have to be the primary educators in our kids lives when it comes to teaching them discernment in media consumption. We have to teach them how to recognize for themselves what their songs/movies/media is wrongly trying to teach them, as compared to a biblical sexual ethic.
4. The PURPOSE for Sex. God created sex for four purposes, which society tends to get all mixed up and backwards.
  • First, sex completes/validates a marriage relationship (two becoming permanently one)--defined in Genesis 2, God's provision for families. 
  • Procreation--having your own family.
  • Intimacy with your spouse.
  • Pleasure (it feels good!)
Today's culture teaches that the FOURTH bullet is all you need to say "yes" to sex, and that seriously screws up the ability of the other three bullets to have an amazingly positive affect on their lives.
5. The PLACE for Sex. According to God's grand and ordered design: monogamous, committed, heterosexual marriage is God's only place for sex. Genesis 2, Mathew 5, Matthew 19, and Mark 10 are all places where God the Father, and Jesus Christ himself, give voice and vision to the design of sex and sexuality. Helping our kids understand that God isn't saying "NO" to their desire for sex, but is just trying to give them a definition for where sex will be most enjoyable, is key to having constructive conversations that will lead to their happier, healthier, and HOLIER way of life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SC Student Family Connection - Easter Service Info

Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. Easter Service Info - Because Easter is a very significant holiday that most families prefer to enjoy together, there will NOT be any student services/areas open during the Easter services, which will be:
  • Saturday March 26 at 5pm
  • Sunday March 27 at 8am, 9:30am, 11am.
Please note that if you are not planning on brining any other friends or family that would be new to Shoal Creek with you to the Easter services, we would kindly ask you to try to attend either the Saturday evening service or the Sunday 8am service, so that we can make room for the roughly 1,000 extra people that will most likely attend during the 9:30am and 11am services.

Here's are the events/programs that are available for our Shoal Creek "Buya" and "Crash" students:
  1. "Buyaprogram every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
  2. "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
  3. Wyldlife Club for Buya Students - Currently available every other week at South Valley Middle School in Liberty, from 3pm-4:15pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  4. Liberty, Liberty North, Kearney HS's Young Life Club - Every other week at the home of Rick and Jayme Paul (8603 N Sycamore Ave, KCMO), 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  5. Oak Park High School Young Life Club - Every other week at the Oak Park High School Library, 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  6. Staley High School Young Life Club - Every other week at 1218 NE 102nd Ct, Kansas City, MO 64155, 7:30-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - Sky Zone, Easter Service Info

Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. SKY ZONE THIS Friday, 6:30-10pm. RSVP HERESky Zone is a really cool place. It's technically called a "Trampoline Park", but it's really just a great time for everybody to jump around like they're four again! Cost is $15/jumper. All 6th-12th graders are welcome, plus, if you're a parent and want to go have fun too, please come with us!
To go, you MUST complete this online waiver ahead of time.
2. Easter Service Info - Because Easter is a very significant holiday that most families prefer to enjoy together, there will NOT be any student services/areas open during the Easter services, which will be:
  • Saturday March 26 at 5pm
  • Sunday March 27 at 8am, 9:30am, 11am.
Please note that if you are not planning on brining any other friends or family that would be new to Shoal Creek with you to the Easter services, we would kindly ask you to try to attend either the Saturday evening service or the Sunday 8am service, so that we can make room for the roughly 1,000 extra people that will most likely attend during the 9:30am and 11am services.

Here's are the events/programs that are available for our Shoal Creek "Buya" and "Crash" students:
  1. "Buyaprogram every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
  2. "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
  3. Wyldlife Club for Buya Students - Currently available every other week at South Valley Middle School in Liberty, from 3pm-4:15pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  4. Liberty, Liberty North, Kearney HS's Young Life Club - Every other week at the home of Rick and Jayme Paul (8603 N Sycamore Ave, KCMO), 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  5. Oak Park High School Young Life Club - Every other week at the Oak Park High School Library, 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  6. Staley High School Young Life Club - Every other week at 1218 NE 102nd Ct, Kansas City, MO 64155, 7:30-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Shoal Creek ParenTeen Post - A Prayer For Our Children

I came across this prayer today from Walt Mueller and his blog at the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (an internet fav of mine). I thought it was worth passing along, as it walks us through several the different places we each have found ourselves in when it comes to wanting the best for our children, and how ultimately that "best" is an eternal relationship with Jesus.
Praying through this in an intentional and deliberate way could bring us all some insight about exactly where we are at in our relationships with our teens concerning their relationships with God. Hope it helps!
Most welcoming Lord Jesus, there’s no more important or necessary gift we can give our children than to keep on bringing them to you. Whether they’re babies, teenagers or adults, themselves… it makes no difference. At every stage of life, our kids need you, Jesus.
For our children who’ve yet to find life in you… have mercy on them, and bring them to a saving knowledge of yourself, Jesus. They don’t just need to “grow up.” They don’t need religion. They don’t need moral reform. They need the gospel of your grace. Show them how much they need you, and show them how much you love them. Keep them restless until they rest in your complete forgiveness and perfect righteousness. More than we want Harvard for our children, we want heaven.
 Jesus, some of us grieve the ways we’ve made the gospel less than beautiful and believable to our children. Forgive us, and show yourself to be the God who’s limited by nothing, including parental self-righteousness. Transcend the ways we’ve “blown it.” But also grant us humility and grace to repent… first before you and then to them. Free us to give our children the gift of our repentance…
 For our children who know you, but currently seem to have waning or zero interest in you… or even ambivalence or antipathy towards you… here our cry. Restore to them the joy of your salvation. Our confidence is in the our Father’s promise to bring to completion the good work he’s begun in each of us, but Jesus, we cannot afford to be either presumptuous or passive. Work powerfully. Work presently. Work persistently, Jesus, we ask for your name’s sake. Give uspatience with their doubts. Give us forbearance in their struggles. Give us grace to welcome prodigals home.
     Lastly, Jesus, we ask you to restore us… restore me, to the childlikeness of our early days of knowing you. Free us from childishness, indeed, but renew our hearts in childlike joy, playfulness, gratefulness and simplicity. Our bodies and minds are getting older, but cause our hearts to dance again in the utter and matchless delights of being loved by you. So very Amen, I pray, in your glorious name.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shoal Creek Student Family Connection (3/9): "Sky Zone" Event Next Friday

Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. Next Student Event - SKY ZONE Friday 3/18, 6:30-10pm. RSVP HERESky Zone is a really cool place. It's technically called a "Trampoline Park", but it's really just a great time for everybody to jump around like they're four again! Cost is $15/jumper. All 6th-12th graders are welcome, plus, if you're a parent and want to go have fun too, please come with us!
Here's are the events/programs that are available for our Shoal Creek "Buya" and "Crash" students:
  1. "Buyaprogram every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
  2. "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
  3. Wyldlife Club for Buya Students - Currently available every other week at South Valley Middle School in Liberty, from 3pm-4:15pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  4. Liberty, Liberty North, Kearney HS's Young Life Club - Every other week at the home of Rick and Jayme Paul (8603 N Sycamore Ave, KCMO), 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  5. Oak Park High School Young Life Club - Every other week at the Oak Park High School Library, 7:45-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
  6. Staley High School Young Life Club - Every other week at 1218 NE 102nd Ct, Kansas City, MO 64155, 7:30-9pm. Contact Justin Talley for next Club date.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Shoal Creek Student Event (3/18) - Sky Zone Trampoline Park

Hey Families! I would love to organize a March event for your student!
Looking at taking students to "Sky Zone" Trampoline Park over in Shawnee Mission, KS, on Friday March 18th, 6:30pm-10pm. 
Please head over to this event page for all the details and to RSVP, as we need to book sometime next week with 15+ people to get group pricing.
I think it will be a lot of fun, hope your student can make it! (And I'll also need some drivers/chaperones, so if you/your family is available to help with that, please message me, thanks!)