Saturday, July 16, 2016

Can You Hold A Baby?

"No really, could you hold a snuggly baby for one hour once a week? I mean, sometimes they need to have a bottle or a diaper change or something, but very often we need someone to hold a sweet baby. The infant room first service is in need of a consistent volunteer and some subs, and second service could use occasional subs. 
If every Sunday sounds like too much, could you partner with another individual or family and cover all the weeks each month? We have a form and will do a background check and could then get you plugged in to a great group of volunteers.
Also, we have a need for a consistent adult in the Two year old room first service and Three year old room second service. The requirements for this are to be adept at puzzles and coloring and building with blocks. If you are out of practice with these skills, I am sure they can quickly whip you into shape :) !"

Our Totzone (0-3) Team at Shoal Crek shared this with me last night, and I wanted to make sure it got pushed out far and wide because holding a baby could be an insanely easy way to 1) get your student plugged into serving which, 2) helps teach them that they are a part of God's bigger plan by 3) integrating them into Shoal Creek's mission to provide a safe environment for children on Sundays so that parents can experience God's message to them in the auditorium on Sundays.

Contact me if interested.

1 comment:

  1. Justin what a great idea and what a great individual you to organize the endeavour. I would love to help, but my health prevents me from doing anything for anyone, even myself. I am so sorry. But I hope all your parishioners see the need and step up.

    Thank you again, for being you!!!!
