Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Shoal Creek Student Family Weekly Update 9/16

Hey Buya and Crash Families, here are all the things to pay attention to for students!
1. Check out Justin Talley's "At Second Glance", a review of the message given this past Sunday in Shoal Creek's Student Ministries. Find it here.
2. Crash Sunday Morning Change-Up Coming in Sept! After just seeing what would happen with a combined 6th-12th grade service on Sundays, we've gotten enough feedback to know that the Crash students need their own space on Sundays. Sometime in September this will happen as we will move back into the Attic for a high school only, 11am service. Read more about it here.
3. Don't forget about Communion tomorrow night, from 6:30-8pm in the SC Auditorium! An amazing time of spiritual connection through reflection on God's truths.

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