Friday, December 11, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Shoal Creek ParenTeen - "The Other Christmas Letter"
The time honored tradition of our children writing a letter to Santa (or the Three Kings if you're from Spain) is something that is as Christmas as candy canes.
But what if our kids wrote a different kind of letter? To us? Asking us for what they want? What would the say?
As we all still have time between now and Christmas morning, maybe we can each try to find a little extra time to spend with our kids, instead of a little extra cash to spend on them.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 12/1 Edition
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
Here’s a schedule for our student ministries for the rest of the semester. With the holidays coming up, there are some special events and services for your family to be aware of:
“Kidzmall” Service Opportunity Friday Dec 4th and Saturday Dec 5th - "Where Kids Do The Shopping.” Signup on The City in the “Kidzmall” City Group.
Family Christmas Service Wed Dec 9th, 6pm
Sundays Dec 6th, 13th, 20th—Buya at 11am. After not meeting for Nov 22nd and 29th to attend the Communion and Baptism services as families, Buya will be “open” again, as usual, for the 11am services.
Shoal Creek Christmas Eve Services:Wednesday Dec 23rd – 7pm
Thursday Dec 24th – 4pm, 6pm, 8pm (with the 8pm having a candle light ending)
Christmas Break – No Buya on Sunday Dec 27th and Jan 3rd, but donuts available in-between services for all student families. While school is out, we also take two weeks off from Buya, to give our awesome volunteers two weeks to recharge and focus on spending time with their own families before coming back to their regular weekly Sunday serving commitment.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 11/24 Edition
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. Updated Rest of the Semester Student Calendar - There are several special events and services coming up over the next several weeks. So very important for you to visit our updated schedule here at this blog post. Of special notice: No Buya on THIS Sunday the 29th, so that your student and family can experience our Baptism service on the 29th.
2. Final Decision Has Been Made - Only ONE Buya Service from now on at 11am. For a full explanation of why we had to make this decision, please read my blog post here.
3. Looking for a Family Holiday Serving Experience? Then check out our Shoal Creek "Kidzmall" happening Friday Dec 4th and Saturday the 5th. Details here.
- "Buya" program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection, 11/17 Edition: Updated Student Calendar, Movie Night This Friday, More...
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. All-Student Event - Going to See "Mockingjay Part 2" THIS Friday night, 6:15-9:15pm at B&B KC Northland - Please RSVP here so we know how many seats to save. You are responsible for buying your own ticket. Bring a friend!
2. Updated Rest of the Semester Student Calendar - There are several special events and services coming up over the next several weeks. So very important for you to visit our updated schedule here at this blog post. Of special notice: No Buya on Nov 22nd or 29th, so that your student family can experience our Communion service together on the 22nd, and our Baptism service on the 29th.
3. Final Decision Has Been Made - Only ONE Buya Service from now on at 11am. For a full explanation of why we had to make this decision, please read my blog post here.
4. Interested, or have a student interested, in Baptism? Our next Baptism is schedule for Sunday November 29th, so if you or you student or whole family is interested at all, head immediately over to this link where you can get more information on signing up for the Baptism on the 29th.
5. Looking for a Family Holiday Serving Experience? Then check out our Shoal Creek "Kidzmall" happening Friday Dec 4th and Saturday the 5th. Details here.
- "Buya" program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Ministry Schedule for the Rest of this Semester

Just wanted to get you an updated list of upcoming students activities, events, and services, in addition to some special Shoal Creek-wide services that will be happening on Sundays, and a Christmas Eve Services/Christmas Break schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
Justin Talley
Student Director - SCCC
Sunday Dec 20th—Buya as normal at 11am. Attic open as normal 10:35am.
Sunday NIGHT "Star Wars" - If you want to go see the new Star Wars movie this weekend (or "re-see" it!), contact Justin ASAP and he'll pre-order some tickets for the 8pm showing at B&B KC Northland.
Shoal Creek Christmas Eve Services:
Wed Dec 23rd - 7pm
Thursday Dec 24th - 4pm, 6pm, 8pm
Christmas Break - No Buya, or Attic (Crash) on Sunday Dec 27th. Donut Hangout for everyone on Sunday Jan 3rd at 11am. While school is out, we give our awesome volunteers a couple of weeks to travel and be with their families over Christmas break. So on Dec 27th there will not be student services of any kind, but on Jan 3rd The Underground (Buya) and The Attic (Crash) will be open for a low key, just-have-fun Donut Hangout for any student wanting to come on down to the UG, but there won't be an actual Buya program that day.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Ministries - Final Decision on Number of Buya Services, Request for More Volunteers
Hi Shoal Creek Student Families, and Buya (6th-8th grade) Families in particular,
I wanted to let you know that after several weeks of hoping things might change, and having a team meeting to discuss all of the factors affecting the effectiveness of our program for Buya on Sunday mornings, we have decided that we can only be the most effective we can be by operating one Buya service per Sunday, not two.
Being able to have a good Student-to-Adult ratio on Sunday mornings is absolutely critical to maintaining an impactful Sunday morning experience. Over the past year, several of our volunteers have felt God leading them elsewhere, and unfortunately we've not been able to re-fill their positions with new volunteers.
In addition, we could actually still really use some more volunteers to make even our once a Sunday Buya service more impactful. To be fully staffed for one service on Sundays, we need 5 female and 5 male volunteers. Currently, we have 3 female and 3 male volunteers in our leader pool. That is honestly the bare minimum to operate Buya, because on any given Sunday any one, two, three or four of those leaders may have obligations that keep them from being available to serve on Sunday morning. Or, for example, we're now getting into the cold-and-flu season, so I know there will be Sunday mornings when volunteers have to stay at home sick.
Would you consider contacting me if you have any interest at all in making Buya as impactful as it can be? I would love to setup a tour and observation for you, and walk you through what we do each Sunday to try to make church as spiritually engaging as possible for 6th-8th graders. We have an extremely wonderful team that loves working together to make a difference in these students' lives, and we need a few more people who might feel like God has given them the desire to partner with us.
I know that God has big things in store for our Buya students and families! Would love to discover them with you!
Justin Talley
Student Director at Shoal Creek Community Church
I wanted to let you know that after several weeks of hoping things might change, and having a team meeting to discuss all of the factors affecting the effectiveness of our program for Buya on Sunday mornings, we have decided that we can only be the most effective we can be by operating one Buya service per Sunday, not two.
Being able to have a good Student-to-Adult ratio on Sunday mornings is absolutely critical to maintaining an impactful Sunday morning experience. Over the past year, several of our volunteers have felt God leading them elsewhere, and unfortunately we've not been able to re-fill their positions with new volunteers.

Would you consider contacting me if you have any interest at all in making Buya as impactful as it can be? I would love to setup a tour and observation for you, and walk you through what we do each Sunday to try to make church as spiritually engaging as possible for 6th-8th graders. We have an extremely wonderful team that loves working together to make a difference in these students' lives, and we need a few more people who might feel like God has given them the desire to partner with us.
I know that God has big things in store for our Buya students and families! Would love to discover them with you!
Justin Talley
Student Director at Shoal Creek Community Church
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 10/27 Edition
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. All families (students and parents) please join all of Shoal Creek each Wednesday from 6-8pm at Shoal Creek for the “7 Journey Experiences”. This is the link to RSVP for J4 “Isolation to Community” Wednesday night experience. Dinner WILL be provided (which is why the RSVP is important). Families with kids in grade school (K through 5th) will remain with their kids in the auditorium for a family experience including skits, videos, games, prizes and more. Adults & Families with older kids (6th grade and above) will go to the Attic for an interactive experience.
2. Only ONE Buya Service on Sundays, at 11am, Until Further Notice – Unfortunately, for several months now, our Buya Team has been struggling to make Buya on Sunday mornings as effective and life transformational as we hope it can be. Most recently, we have struggled to have enough volunteers on Sundays to staff two services. Our Buya Team (primarily made up of the parents of Buya and Crash students) is meeting and discussing to make a longer term decision of whether or not we are able to be more effective in the lives of students with two Buya services on a Sunday, or if we will be more effective by moving to one Buya service on Sunday.
Until we can make a final decision in the next couple of weeks, we are putting 1st service Buya on “hold”, and asking families of Buya students to please consider attending the 11am service, so that we can still engage your Buya student in a spiritual journey then.
3. Last Week’s ParenTeen Post, “Slaying the giant of worry how your kids will measure up.” can be found here.
Here’s what’s available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- “Buya” program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- “Crash” (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the “Buya Parents” or the “Crash Parents” City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don’t see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account—@SC3Students—to be connected with the latest happenings.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Shoal Creek ParenTeen - Slaying the giant of worrying how your kids will measure up.
"This back-to-school season you might be like me. Wondering what kinds of challenges and discoveries await my kids this year. Wondering what will happen in their friendships. Wondering how they will grow—physically, spiritually, and a host of other ways—over the next ten months. But underneath these questions lies another question we wonder about.
We wonder how our kids will perform. How they’ll measure up against their peers in class and in sports or other pursuits. How they’ll take more steps toward the successful adulthood we dream about for them.These underlying questions loom beneath the surface like a sleeping giant. A giant of fear and anxiety. This giant occasionally bothers some parents, and continuously torments others. It’s the reason we push our kids to add that extracurricular activity, volunteer a few more hours to boost their resume, and take the “zero period” class at 7am each weekday to get a little bit ahead of the curve."
Ever felt this way? Finding yourself a couple months into the school and neck deep into these feeling and questions? Here's an article from Brad Griffin at Sticky Faith that was written for the beginning of the school year, but could serve as a good "thermometer" in how we're doing now that we're halfway through the school year's first semester, and some suggestion on what kinds of conversations we could try to have with our students.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 10/20 Edition
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. All families (students and parents) please join all of Shoal Creek each Wednesday from 5:30-7:30pm at Shoal Creek for the “7 Journey Experiences”. This is the link to RSVP for J3 “Receiver to Giver”. Dinner WILL be provided (which is why the RSVP is important). Families with kids in grade school (K through 5th) will remain with their kids in the auditorium for a family experience including skits, videos, games, prizes and more. Adults & Families with older kids (6th grade and above) will go to the Attic for an interactive experience.
2. Halloween Bash Oct 25th – Who would like to help run a hot chocolate stand this year? This year the Halloween Bash is set to be an outdoor event, using our back parking lot instead of being primarily inside. The Student ministries role this year is going to be to run a hot chocolate stand, and I need 4-6 people to help me from 4:40-6pm, then another 4-6 people to help me from 6-7:20pm.
Anyone available to help me pass out hot chocolate at one of those two shifts? You’ll be compensated with all the hot chocolate your bladder can hold!
Here’s what’s available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- “Buya” program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- “Crash” (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the “Buya Parents” or the “Crash Parents” City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don’t see here? Contact Justin Talley or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account—@SC3Students—to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 10/13 Edition
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. URGENT – Only ONE Buya Service on Sundays, at 11am, Until Further Notice – Unfortunately, for several months now, our Buya Team has been struggling to make Buya on Sunday mornings as effective and life transformational as we hope it can be. Most recently, we have struggled to have enough volunteers on Sundays to staff two services. Our Buya Team (primarily made up of the parents of Buya and Crash students) is meeting and discussing to make a longer term decision of whether or not we are able to be more effective in the lives of students with two Buya services on a Sunday, or if we will be more effective by moving to one Buya service on Sunday.
Until we can make a final decision in the next couple of weeks, we are putting 1st service Buya on “hold”, and asking families of Buya students to please consider attending the 11am service, so that we can still engage your Buya student in a spiritual journey then.
If you are a parent that has any concerns or further questions, please feel free to message me and set up a time to talk with me, or any of our Buya leaders. I would love to use this as an opportunity to engage the Buya parent community more deeply, and work together with the Buya parent community in figuring out the best way to move forward with affecting the spiritual journeys of 6th-8th grade students at Shoal Creek on Sunday mornings and also during the week.
2. All families (students and parents) please join all of Shoal Creek each Wednesday from 6-8pm at Shoal Creek for the “7 Journey Experiences”. This is the link to RSVP for J2 "Self-Hearted to Soft-Hearted". Dinner WILL be provided (which is why the RSVP is important). Families with kids in grade school (K through 5th) will remain with their kids in the auditorium for a family experience including skits, videos, games, prizes and more. Adults & Families with older kids (6th grade and above) will go to the Attic for an interactive experience.
3. Halloween Bash Oct 25th – Who would like to help run a hot chocolate stand this year? This year the Halloween Bash is set to be an outdoor event, using our back parking lot instead of being primarily inside. The Student ministries role this year is going to be to run a hot chocolate stand, and I need 4-6 people to help me from 4:40-6pm, then another 4-6 people to help me from 6-7:20pm.
Anyone available to help me pass out hot chocolate at one of those two shifts? You’ll be compensated with all the hot chocolate your bladder can hold!
Here’s what’s available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- “Buya” program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- “Crash” (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the “Buya Parents” or the “Crash Parents” City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don’t see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account—@SC3Students—to be connected with the latest happenings.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 10/7 Edition - Big Buya Announcement
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. URGENT – Only ONE Buya Service on Sundays, at 11am, Until Further Notice – Unfortunately, for several months now, our Buya Team has been struggling to make Buya on Sunday mornings as effective and life transformational as we hope it can be on Sunday mornings. Most recently, we have struggled to have enough volunteers on Sundays to staff two services. Last Sunday we had to cancel 1st service Buya very last minute. Our Buya Team (primarily made up of the parents of Buya and Crash students) is meeting and discussing to make a longer term decision of whether or not we are able to be more effective in the lives of students with two Buya services on a Sunday, or if we will be more effective by moving to one Buya service on Sunday.
Until we can make a final decision in the next couple of weeks, we are putting 1st service Buya on “hold”, and asking families of Buya students to please consider attending the 11am service, so that we can still engage your Buya student in a spiritual journey then.
If you are a parent that has any concerns or further questions, please feel free to contact me and set up a time to talk with me, or any of our Buya leaders. I would love to use this as an opportunity to engage the Buya parent community more deeply, and work together with the Buya parent community in figuring out the best way to move forward with affecting the spiritual journeys of 6th-8th grade students at Shoal Creek on Sunday mornings and also during the week.
2. All families (students and parents) please join all of Shoal Creek each Wednesday from 6-8pm at Shoal Creek for the “7 Journey Experiences”. This is the link to RSVP for J1 “Earner to Heir”. So far, almost 200 SC’ers have replied that they’ll be there. Dinner WILL be provided (which is why the RSVP is important).
Families with kids in grade school (K through 5th) will remain with their kids in the auditorium for a family experience including skits, videos, games, prizes and more. Adults & Families with older kids (6th grade and above) will go to the Attic for an interactive experience.
Hope you can make it! Not a better way to try and grow deeper in your spiritual journey and help your students grow alongside you.
Here’s what’s available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- “Buya” program every Sunday at 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- “Crash” (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the “Buya Parents” or the “Crash Parents” City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don’t see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account—@SC3Students—to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 9/29 Edition
Hi Families, here’s your “need-to-know” info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. Special Opportunity Sit Face-To-Face With World-Leader This Thursday – This Thursday at Roy’s home from 7-8:30pm, we have the opportunity to be face-to-face with Jim Yost, one of the the best movement leaders in the world. Would anyone like to hear about what he’s been up to, and gain insight in our we can make our student ministries a better place for our students? The bigger context of the meeting is about how we can help stop Human Trafficking; however, Roy has said that it may be possible to get Jim to share with us some of the things he’s experienced in working with youth in general. PLEASE let me know if you’re interested in hearing about student movements—thanks! You can RSVP HERE.
2. Crash Students Invited To Go Eat Lunch After Church This Sunday At Chipotle – On the first Sunday of each month I’m inviting any Crash student that wants some good grub to go get some lunch together. This Sunday we’ll head off to Chipotle as soon as second service is over. Let me know if you want in!
3. “New Look” For Crash (9th-12th Graders) On Sundays At Shoal Creek – Starting now, and indefinitely forward, instead of the high school students at Shoal Creek doing their own program during the 11am service, our Crash Team invites each high school student up into the Attic between services for free breakfast food, and then into the Auditorium Balcony during the 11am service to sit as a high school group to experience the wonderfully relevant Auditorium service together. For details on why/how we reached this decision, please read my blog post here. Please also feel free to contact me for any/all questions you have that the blog post doesn’t answer.
4. Clay Terrance “Homework Huddle” Community Service Opportunity, Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30pm – This summer we had a really fun time at Clay Terrace Apartments putting on these Fun Fridays. Now we’re trying to follow up with some of the relationships we started through what we’re calling “Homework Huddles”, which will be on Wednesdays, where we’ll help students with their homework after school. I know many students have commitments in that right-after-school time slot, but I consider this an A++ type of service opportunity that students really excel in. I’ll be there! Would love to serve alongside your student! Please RSVP HERE if you/they would like to help!
Here’s what’s available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- “Buya” program every Sunday, 9:30am and 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- “Crash” (9th-12th grade) students can meet in The Attic every Sunday from 10:35am-11am for free breakfast, then attend the 11am service in the Auditorium as a group by sitting in the balcony.
- Join the “Buya Parents” or the “Crash Parents” City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don’t see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account—@SC3Students—to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. "New Look" For Crash (9th-12th Graders) On Sundays At Shoal Creek - Starting now, and indefinitely forward, instead of the high school students at Shoal Creek doing their own program during the 11am service, our Crash Team invites each high school student up into the Attic between services for free breakfast food, and then into the Auditorium Balcony during the 11am service to sit as a high school group to experience the wonderfully relevant Auditorium service together. For details on why/how we reached this decision, please read my blog post here. Please also feel free to contact me for any/all questions you have that the blog post doesn't answer.
2. Clay Terrance "Homework Huddle" Community Service Opportunity , Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30pm - This summer we had a really fun time at Clay Terrace Apartments putting on these Fun Fridays. Now we're trying to follow up with some of the relationships we started through what we're calling "Homework Huddles", which will be on Wednesdays, where we'll help students with their homework after school. I know many students have commitments in that right-after-school time slot, but I consider this an A++ type of service opportunity that students really excel in. Please RSVP HERE if you/they would like to help!
3. Buya and Crash Small Groups are now meeting weekly. If interested in getting your student plugged in, please message me and I'll get you connected.
Here's what's available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- "Buya" program every Sunday, 9:30am and 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" students can get free breakfast in The Attic from 10:30am-11am. Then sit together in the Balcony for the 11am Auditorium service.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
New Look On Sundays For Crash (9th-12th grade) at Shoal Creek Community Church
For those of you with a "Crash" (9th-12th grade) student, Sundays are going to look a lot different than before. After a year of having our Crash program in the Attic, and after a couple months of discussing how to connect the best with high school students on Sundays, our Crash Team has decided to try utilize the Sunday services in the Auditorium to connect with the high school students that call Shoal Creek home, instead of trying to recruit them "out" of the Auditorium and into the Attic for their own service.
Or, to put it another way. The more we talk to students and get an understanding of what they're looking for in a Sunday morning service, the more we realize that we don't need to "compete" with what's happening in the Auditorium, since most of the adult services are still completely relevant and meaningful for 9th-12th graders. Over the last year we've been finding that what happens in the Auditorium on a Sunday is just as attractional to teenagers as it is adults, since the level of musical excellence and culturally relevant videos and dramas all are still able to speak into a teenager's life. Instead of trying to draw high school students "out" of the Auditorium, we want to try to connect with high school students "in" the Auditorium.
So, what this means practically, is:
Or, to put it another way. The more we talk to students and get an understanding of what they're looking for in a Sunday morning service, the more we realize that we don't need to "compete" with what's happening in the Auditorium, since most of the adult services are still completely relevant and meaningful for 9th-12th graders. Over the last year we've been finding that what happens in the Auditorium on a Sunday is just as attractional to teenagers as it is adults, since the level of musical excellence and culturally relevant videos and dramas all are still able to speak into a teenager's life. Instead of trying to draw high school students "out" of the Auditorium, we want to try to connect with high school students "in" the Auditorium.
So, what this means practically, is:
- From 10:35am-11am each Sunday, the area we call "The Attic" will be open and there will be free food and coffee for high school students that want to come get a donut, muffin, or other treat, and meet the Crash leaders and other students that call Shoal Creek home.
- During the 11am Shoal Creek service, instead of Crash students doing their own program in The Attic, the high school students will all go sit together in the balcony to watch Shoal Creek's very culturally relevant service together. We will have leaders "floating" through the Auditorium in between services, inviting high school students to come get food and coffee in the Attic each week, and also inviting high school students to come sit together and meet other high school students that regular gather in the balcony.
- Once a month, the Crash students and leaders will also go out to each lunch directly following second service to try and continue to build authentic relationships between each other.
Each week there will still be small groups for the high school boys and girls that meet mid-week. We will still be doing other "just-for-fun" activities with the students as the opportunities present themselves. So not much else outside of what happens on Sunday morning changes, and Buya (6th-8th grader program) remains the same.
We're just looking at this change as an opportunity to go where the high school students are naturally more drawn to, and deciding not to try to "extract" them from where they already are wanting to be. We are going to work hard to create opportunities to build relationships outside of Sunday mornings, since sitting through a service together lends itself to being a little more passive when it comes to relationship building. I'd advise you to contact me and let me put you on my weekly contact list so you can be in the loop about all the upcoming events, hangouts, and service opportunities that we regularly create for students at Shoal Creek.
If anyone has any questions or concerns at all, please contact me and I'd be more than happy talk you and walk you through the process and the conversations that have taken place over the last year that have brought us to this point.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 9/8 Edition, Small Groups and Homework Huddle Info
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. BUYA and CRASH Small Groups To Start THIS WEEK - Here are the details if you are a:
Buya Girl - Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Leslie Eklund (816-206-6922).
Buya Guy - Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
Crash Girl - Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, location Goodwin Family Home, 330 S Fairview, Liberty, 64068. Lead by Erin Talley (816-510-3859).
Crash Guy - Wednesdays 7-8:30pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
Please contact any of the above leaders for any questions you might have.
Buya Guy - Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
Crash Girl - Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, location Goodwin Family Home, 330 S Fairview, Liberty, 64068. Lead by Erin Talley (816-510-3859).
Crash Guy - Wednesdays 7-8:30pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
Please contact any of the above leaders for any questions you might have.
2. Clay Terrance "Homework Huddle" Community Service Opportunity to Wed Sept 16th, 3:15-4:30pm - This summer we had a really fun time at Clay Terrace Apartments putting on these Fun Fridays. Now we're trying to follow up with some of the relationships we started through what we're calling "Homework Huddles", which will be on Wednesdays, where we'll help students with their homework after school. I know many students have commitments in that right-after-school time slot, but I consider this an A++ type of service opportunity that students really excel in. I'll be there! Would love to serve alongside your student! Please RSVP HERE if you/they would like to help!
Here's what's available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- "Buya" program every Sunday, 9:30am and 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" program every Sunday, 11am only, in the Attic for 9th-12th grade students.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 9/1 Edition, Fall Small Group Details
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. BUYA and CRASH Small Groups To Start Directly Following Labor Day- Here are the details if you are a:
- Buya Girl - Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Leslie Eklund (816-206-6922).
- Buya Guy - Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
- Crash Girl - Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, location TBD. Lead by Erin Talley (816-510-3859).
- Crash Guy - Wednesdays 7-8:30pm, meet in the Underground at SC. Lead by Justin Talley (816-510-3859).
- Please contact any of the above leaders for any questions you might have.
Here's what's available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- "Buya" program every Sunday, 9:30am and 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" program every Sunday, 11am only, in the Attic for 9th-12th grade students.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Shoal Creek Student Family Connection - 8/25 Edition, Kiddie Pool Kickpool and SG Info
Hi Families, here's your "need-to-know" info for your Buya and Crash Students:
1. BUYA and CRASH Small Group Starting SOON! - If you have a Buya (6th-8th) or Crash (9th-12th) student, we'd like to know what availability your student has for an 8-10 week fall semester small group session. Contact Justin Talley ASAP to let me know what kind of mid week availability your Buya or Crash student has. We will start these small groups the week of Labor Day.
2. THIS Sunday - "Kiddie Pool Kickball", 12:15pm (directly after second service) - Please come hangout with us as an entire family. All Buya and Crash families invited for a delightfully wild and wet game of what is called "Kiddie Pool Kickball". Even if you don't want to play, we'll still have a hotdog lunch for you, because we'd like to meet you and get you all the information we can on our fall semester small groups. RSVP HERE!
Here's what's available to students and how we communicate to student families weekly.
- "Buya" program every Sunday, 9:30am and 11am in the Underground for all 6th-8th grade students.
- "Crash" program every Sunday, 11am only, in the Attic for 9th-12th grade students.
- Join the "Buya Parents" or the "Crash Parents" City groups if you want weekly info on upcoming events.
Wanting more information about what Shoal Creek offers for students that you don't see here? Contact Justin Talley, or start following our Shoal Creek Students Twitter account--@SC3Students--to be connected with the latest happenings.
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