I wanted to let you know that after several weeks of hoping things might change, and having a team meeting to discuss all of the factors affecting the effectiveness of our program for Buya on Sunday mornings, we have decided that we can only be the most effective we can be by operating one Buya service per Sunday, not two.
Being able to have a good Student-to-Adult ratio on Sunday mornings is absolutely critical to maintaining an impactful Sunday morning experience. Over the past year, several of our volunteers have felt God leading them elsewhere, and unfortunately we've not been able to re-fill their positions with new volunteers.

Would you consider contacting me if you have any interest at all in making Buya as impactful as it can be? I would love to setup a tour and observation for you, and walk you through what we do each Sunday to try to make church as spiritually engaging as possible for 6th-8th graders. We have an extremely wonderful team that loves working together to make a difference in these students' lives, and we need a few more people who might feel like God has given them the desire to partner with us.
I know that God has big things in store for our Buya students and families! Would love to discover them with you!
Justin Talley
Student Director at Shoal Creek Community Church
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