Just wanted to get you an updated list of upcoming students activities, events, and services, in addition to some special Shoal Creek-wide services that will be happening on Sundays, and a Christmas Eve Services/Christmas Break schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
Justin Talley
Student Director - SCCC
Sunday Dec 20th—Buya as normal at 11am. Attic open as normal 10:35am.
Sunday NIGHT "Star Wars" - If you want to go see the new Star Wars movie this weekend (or "re-see" it!), contact Justin ASAP and he'll pre-order some tickets for the 8pm showing at B&B KC Northland.
Shoal Creek Christmas Eve Services:
Wed Dec 23rd - 7pm
Thursday Dec 24th - 4pm, 6pm, 8pm
Christmas Break - No Buya, or Attic (Crash) on Sunday Dec 27th. Donut Hangout for everyone on Sunday Jan 3rd at 11am. While school is out, we give our awesome volunteers a couple of weeks to travel and be with their families over Christmas break. So on Dec 27th there will not be student services of any kind, but on Jan 3rd The Underground (Buya) and The Attic (Crash) will be open for a low key, just-have-fun Donut Hangout for any student wanting to come on down to the UG, but there won't be an actual Buya program that day.
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