Saturday, June 4, 2016

Shoal Creek Family Camping Experience

Join us for the 4th Annual Shoal Creek Family Camping Experience! 

Do you love nature? How about the serenity of camping? Would you like to become connected to more people at Shoal Creek who enjoy similar things?  Would you just like a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind? Then come camping with other Shoal Creek families at Wallace State Park this summer over Father’s Day weekend!
This isn’t just camping under the stars. This is an adventure, for those wild at heart, complete with stories, campfires, and games. Ok, maybe the thought of camping sounds great, but the last time you though about camping you went and looked at everything that goes into camping and decided to tune into Netflix instead. Because let’s be honest, camping can get expensive quick. 
This event was started to help families get started with camping that may not have the experience. Upon your request, we gather all the big items (tent, sleeping bags, lanterns, etc.) needed for camping and show you some ‘camping-hacks’ for making camping easy. This event is a family friendly journey that is meant for you to meet other families, unplug from the electronics, and get back to the days of playing in a low tech world.  Whether you own every gadget known for camping and have a year’s worth of freeze dried meals, or you’ve never camped before, this event is for you and your family. 
Costs: *Approx. $50 per family, plus the cost of meals, firewood, ice,etc.
RSVP - ASAP! –  Because campgrounds in Missouri fill up fast for summer weekends, we need to reserve sites as early as possible.
Never been camping? Don’t have a tent? NO PROBLEM!   Our planning team wants to help you discover the joy of family camping. Just let us know if you need a tent, sleeping bags, or any other supplies to “get your feet wet.”
Want to learn more?  Contact Justin Talley and he will get you connected to the amazing team of people organizing this event.

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