Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Student Scholarship Need - Carlie's Summer Story To-Be

"My name is Carlie Parks. I'm 13 years old and going into the eighth grade at Liberty Middle School.  I am a video game nerd who loves to read, write, draw, and have a fun time. I first started going to Shoal Creek when I was two years old. We stopped going after I got out of preschool, but came back when I was around nine.  I enjoy attending Shoal Creek and have had so much fun going on some of the outings Justin planned, especially St. Louis! 

My older brother, Kyle went to WyldLife camp when he was my age and he still talks about how much he learned and how much fun he had!   That’s one reason I want to go.  The main reason I want to go to WyldLife church camp, is I am hoping to help grow my relationship with God. I love God and I pray, but sometimes it feels like praying isn't enough. I sometimes question him, well, mostly question him and I am hoping that going to this camp will help strengthen the relationship. I also want to go because I love the outdoors. The nature and the animals and that natural music you hear in the outdoors, it makes me feel free and alive like the whole world can't even stop me. I don't get to go out into nature much so I am hoping I can get to enjoy nature when I go.

The total cost of this trip is $560. My amazing mother was able to pay the non-refundable $150 dollar deposit, but can't pay for any more of it. I'm lucky I have a mother who supports my interests and can at least pay for that much, but I still need $410 dollars.  I’m not really old enough to get a job so I could help pay myself.  I’m asking for your support as I've been waiting for this trip to come since I first heard about it. 

Thank you so much for taking your time to read or hear about myself and why I would love to go on this journey to Wyldlife camp. This is a journey I feel will help me get closer to God, closer to nature, and closer to filling my heart. I want to thank you again for any support you might give me, even if it isn't much, every little bit adds up. I can't wait to share what I have learned."

If you would like to help Carlie see her summer story become a reality by meeting the rest of her financial needs ($410), please email Justin Talley and we will make all the arrangements needed to send Carlie on her way.

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