Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Please join us on Wednesday December 14th for our annual Family Christmas Party. There'll be Christmas songs for signing, a brief family themed message and Christmas skit, plus craft, community cookie bar and cocoa.

This event is a great time to gather as a community and meet others the others that call Shoal Creek home. Please RSVP and let us know if you can bring a plate of your favorite holiday treats.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Shoal Creek Services 11/20

Not able to attend either of our Sunday services this morning? Or just want to check out what we do before you consider attending?

Then watch live right now, or catch up here later this week!

Also, if you happen to have a student, here's a great video that we used in our Buya (6th-8th grade) program this morning that helped us in our discussion about being distracted by regret.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Week In Review

1. All-Family Thanksgiving Communion Service Tuesday Nov 22nd, 6:30pm - Communions are a place where the air between Heaven and Earth is thin. Please join us with your whole family to experience musical worship, communion, and encounter God through some specifically designed interactive stations focused on the theme of learning to be thankful as we head into this holiday season. Please RSVP HERE, especially if you need childcare, which will be available for children up through 5th grade--as long as you indicate your need in the comments section.

Want to get your kids involved? RSVP for them here to have them help us setup and decorate the auditorium the night before.

2. What exactly IS a big deal online? Read this post to learn about three non-negotiables when it comes to parenting our kids' online behavior.

3. Kidz Mall, Where the kids do the shopping - Ever wanted to be an elf? I mean, who hasn't? Kidz Mall is Shoal Creek's one-of-a-kind, kids orientated shopping experience where we need many, MANY helpers so that kids get to pick out exactly the right gifts for their loved ones. So much incredible joy on the faces of these kids as they do their best to pick out gifts for moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandmas, grandpas, dogs and cats. Would you consider signing up for a shift here to make this happen? Working one shift will transport you to an alternate universe!

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Don't Miss Event - Shoal Creek Communion Service 11/22

This coming Tuesday evening Shoal Creek is having a special communion service to help you create space for you to connect with God. Come to reflect on what God has done for us and let Him clue you into what He wants you to do. In addition to the celebration of communion, we will have reflection stations set up throughout the auditorium and musical worship throughout the evening.

Please don't miss this, bring your whole family. Childcare will be provided up through 5th grade if you RSVP here and indicate in the comments section what ages of kids you'll be checking in.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Kidz Mall - Where kids do the shopping!

Shoal Creek's "Kidz Mall" is one of the premier kids Christmas events that will be coming up this holiday season. Why?

Because we believe that gift GIVING is more important than gift GETTING. Bring your children for a unique experience of shopping for their loved ones with the help of one of our amazing elves. All while you sit and enjoy some coffee, or take a look at our Holiday Boutique where we will have several booths with Hand Crafted, Maker Oriented items for you to peruse and purchase!!!

Of critical importance is having enough volunteers to provide a safe, fun and fulfilling experience for the children that get to go into our little winter wonderland shopping experience.  There are many, MANY roles that need to be filled, and you will be amazed at how much you enjoy giving up your time to help these little kids pick out their gifts for their moms, pops, grandmas, grandpas, sisters, brothers and dogs. Give this a chance to make a difference in your life by signing up to volunteer HERE.

Kidz Mall Hours will be Friday December 2nd 5:30pm-8:00pm, and Saturday December 3rd 9:00am-11:30am. Designed for Ages 3+. Cash Only Please!

To read more about another great family tradition

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Line In The Digital Sand - What exactly is important in parenting our kids' online behavior?

Sometimes it's hard to know how to pick the right battles when it comes to monitoring and parenting our children's online and digital behavior. We want our kids to be safe, without becoming overbearing. It's difficult to find objective ground to stand on, especially when staring into the blazing eyes of a 16-year old dead set on you not touching "their" phone. What exactly then IS important to us to pay attention to regarding rules, regulations, and phone freedom?

Please read the this full article from The Youth Cartel's Adam McLane to get the most out of this post, but for a snap shot, here are three "fence posts" that can guide our boundary setting as parents trying to help our kids navigate their digital lives.

1. The Importance of Transparency - Have you ever thought of adopting an "open screen" policy for everyone in the house? It is important that as parents we reserve the right to check on what our kids are looking at, or have stored on their phones and feeds, but are we leading by example here? Do we give our own kids the right to check what's on OUR screens whenever they want? Do we prove to them that transparency is a vital part of a person's digital life, not matter what age they are? Do you want the right to search their phone or tablet or laptop whenever you choose? Could you model that by extending them the same right and show them that it's possible to live a digital life with nothing to hide?

2. The Importance of Empathy for Others - One thing I think we've all noticed is that its so much easier to feel completely guiltless in laughing at others at their expense, or putting others down, online than in person. It's so much easier to say or type things online that no one would dream of saying face to face. Our online selves can be much harsher than our face to face selves. One area that is extremely important to monitor is to be aware of how our kids are treating others online. Care about what they say in voice chat while gaming. Care about what they leave in the comment sections of others.

3. The Importance of Private Space - Giving our kids space that is actually theirs is important in releasing them into adulthood. The key to being able to give them the freedom to have private space online relies on the previous two principles (Transparency and Empathy). Kids DO need the freedom to figure out who they really are, and parents DO need freedom to not have to always be on high alert. As we "practice what we preach" for principles one and two, we can extend the leash of principle three.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Shoal Creek Services

Not able to attend either of our Sunday services this morning? Or just want to check out what we do before you consider attending?

Then watch live right now, or catch up here later this week!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Shoal Creek's "Zones" - Why Your Kids Need To Be There

I know you can't quite tell what's going on in the picture, but what is being captured here is the Zones' dramatic (literally) effect on my child's spiritual journey.

You see, my son Everett has really gotten into Minecraft--just like yours, right? And for earning some good behavior points, he was able to procure a very plush skeleton. He was super excited to open it and play with it. And do you know what he spent hours doing that same night that Amazon Prime delivered our little skelly?

He decorated a cardboard box to turn it into a crib that would float down the Nile, like baby Moses. Let's go over that again. He decided to turn his skeleton into baby Moses, so he could make a crib for it, and then send said crib down the river so that a Queen of Egypt could raise little skelly.

Now, please know this; we have maybe talked about that particular bible story one time before. So I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was our Shoal Creek Children's Ministries--what we refer to as our "Zones"--that embedded the story of baby Moses deeply enough inside of him that he somehow did his own little Minecraft/Exodus crossover for two full hours. Which leads me to say this...

I am so thankful that our extremely committed Zone Directors and their insanely wonderful (and completely volunteer-led teams) give an hour of their time on Sundays so that my five year old son could somehow draw from his Zone experience and combine that with his own recreational play. The Zones have won over both of my boys, and they have built relationships with the volunteers that are leading them on a budding spiritual journey. I know for a fact that with out my boys' Zone volunteers, that picture you see would NOT exist. Without our Zone volunteers, my son's heart wouldn't have been able to take the daily things he experiences and cares about, like Minecraft, and join his little five year old world with God's world.

What I love about Shoal Creek's Zones is that they really are able to help our children process God's truth, God's relevance, and God's love for them in a way that "sticks" and leads to foundation that extends into the home.

Would you do me a favor and take the time to thank you Zone Director and Volunteers? Right now? Digitally? Or in person the next chance you get?

If you haven't tried our Zones yet, would you give them a chance? Or, if your child suffers some of that Sunday morning anxiety (which we do totally get!), maybe start swinging by your child's zone more regularly before or after service to help them get used to the faces that really do care about them?

Would you maybe take things a step further, and think about becoming part of the vision and mission that allow that picture you see to become a reality? Would you be willing to take a tour of a Zone, meet the Director, say "hi" to some of the regular volunteers, and consider becoming a person that brings the world of kids and the world of God together by giving up an hour on a Sunday?

If you have a kid, or have had a kid, in the Zones, and have benefitted from the service they provide, find a way to pay it forward in a way that's right for you.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dads & Sons Small Group This Sunday at Shoal Creek

If you're a dad and you have a teenage son with whom you want to be on a spiritual journey, then you need to check out Shoal Creek's Dads & Sons small group that happens every other Sunday at 9:30am, in "The Attic" at Shoal Creek. A free breakfast of either pancakes or donuts will also be provided for anyone who attends.

Some comments from the dads that have recently attended:

"I really enjoyed it and so did my son. We really love that it is every 2 weeks and I am really looking to get even more out of it." 
"I thought it was a great learning experience I learned things about my sons that I never knew." 
"I have enjoyed the discussions that have been had in the meeting time and outside."
This Sunday's discussion will revolve around the words we use and the importance of "taming our tongue"--kind of relevant considering the circumstances, huh?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Shoal Creek Community Church Services 11/6

Not able to attend either of our Sunday services this morning? Or just want to check out what we do before you consider attending?

Then watch live right now, or catch up here later this week!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week In Review

1. Coming Soon--HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SECTION In Auditorium on Sundays--Say "what"?! One thing that we want to improve on at Shoal Creek is doing a better job of connecting with the high school students that call Shoal Creek home. It may sound kind of crazy, and make you reminiscent of the college basketball or football games you used to go to, but, we are going to put in a high school student section in the back of the Auditorium on Sundays to experiment with creating space on Sundays that is unmistakably targeted at proving to HS students that we feel they are very special to us. However, we need help staffing this space once we get it put in. Would you be interested in helping our SC high school students feel like Shoal Creek is there home, and that there's a place for them, by contacting me.

2. What about a Mothers/Daughters Small Group at SC? We've had about 16 dads and sons doing an every other week small group now on Sunday mornings at Shoal Creek, and here's what some of them have had to say:
  • "I really enjoyed it and so did my son. We really love that it is every 2 weeks and I am really looking to get even more out of it."
  • "I thought it was a great learning experience I learned things about my sons that I never knew."
  • "I have enjoyed the discussions that have been had in the meeting time and outside."
I've gotten interest from 4 other moms/daughters about trying to start something up for any teenage girl and their mom. Would you be interested? Could you contact me ASAP so we could get something going before the Holidays hit?

3. What is #Socktober!? Well, it's awesome, and our Buya students want to tell you why here.

4. Special Thanksgiving Communion Service Tuesday Nov 22nd, 6:30pm - Communions are a place where the air between Heaven and Earth is thin. Please join us with your whole family to experience musical worship, communion, and encounter God through some specifically designed interactive stations focused on the theme of learning to be thankful as we head into this holiday season. Please RSVP HERE, especially if you need childcare, which will be available for children up through 5th grade--as long as you indicate your need in the comments section.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Thanksgiving Communion Service at Shoal Creek

Where the air Heaven and Earth is thin.

Please join our Shoal Creek community as we turn our hearts inward, upward and outward in a Thanksgiving Communion service on Tuesday evening November 22nd.

We will be creating space in the Auditorium for anyone who wants to come and reflect on what God is saying to them through the bible, musical worship, and interactive "stations". The theme for the evening will be Thanksgiving, and we will be giving our community an opportunity to think about what God has done for us, and what that means for how we all will choose to live because of that.

Childcare WILL be available for 5th graders and younger. If you want to utilize our child care, please RSVP AT THIS LINK and reply in the comment section below with the names and ages of the children you will be needing childcare for.

There will be a decoration and setup night on Monday the 21st to help us create this spiritual experience, so if you would like to help us transform our Auditorium into something that is going to be really cool and impactful, please either reply in the comment section of the RSVP link.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

What About A Mothers/Daughters Small Group At Shoal Creek?

You may not have heard, but over the past 8 weeks, our Dads/Son's small group has grown from about 6-8 regular participants, to 15-16! What has led to more dads and sons getting on a spiritual journey together, and why such growth?!

Maybe because of some of the reasons these dads have to say about what their experience has been like so far:
"I really enjoyed it and so did my son. We really love that it is every 2 weeks and I am really looking to get even more out of it."

"I thought it was a great learning experience I learned things about my sons that I never knew."

"I have enjoyed the discussions that have been had in the meeting time and outside."
What's stopping us from creating the same kind of growth for moms and daughters at Shoal Creek? 

Nothing really! All we need are some moms to reply to me that they'd be interested in learning how the dads have been leading over the past 8 weeks, so that we could create the same kind of spiritual discussion for moms and daughters to have together on a regular basis.

Would you (or your wife, if this is a dad reading this) want to help me get a Moms/Daughters small group going at Shoal Creek, so that moms and daughters can have some spiritual growth together in our SC community?

Could you please contact me so that we can pull the trigger and get this kind of spiritual and relational growth happening?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Socktober is a socially engaging way to solve a very specific problem--the physical needs of the 600,000+ homeless individuals and families living on the streets in the U.S.

As winter is almost on our doorstep (though you wouldn't know it from today's weather), donating clean, new, unopened packages of socks are a HUGE blessing to the individuals that are experiencing this kind of life.

Here's a link to the official #Socktober webpage if you want more details.

And here's Kid President telling you whats up about all this...

Would you donate clean, brand new, unopened socks to Buya THIS SUNDAY so that we can get these socks to the people that are going to need them very soon? Bring them to the Underground and give them to one of our leaders.

And here are our Buya Girls and Boys doing there best to spread the love for #Socktober...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Coming Soon - Shoal Creek High School Student Section In Auditorium

Say "what"?! 

One thing that we want to improve on at Shoal Creek is doing a better job of connecting with the high school students that call Shoal Creek home. It may sound kind of crazy, and be reminiscent of the college basketball or football games you used to go to, but, we are going to put in a high school student section in the back of the Auditorium on Sundays to experiment with creating space on Sundays that is unmistakably targeted at proving to our high school students that we feel they are very special to us. 

However, we need help staffing this space once we get it put in. Would you be interested in helping our SC high school students feel like Shoal Creek is their home, and that we value them enough to create a spot in the auditorium just for them? Please contact me if so, and we'll setup a time to talk in detail about the plan to make high schoolers feel as welcome and loved as possible on Sunday mornings at Shoal Creek.