Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Socktober is a socially engaging way to solve a very specific problem--the physical needs of the 600,000+ homeless individuals and families living on the streets in the U.S.

As winter is almost on our doorstep (though you wouldn't know it from today's weather), donating clean, new, unopened packages of socks are a HUGE blessing to the individuals that are experiencing this kind of life.

Here's a link to the official #Socktober webpage if you want more details.

And here's Kid President telling you whats up about all this...

Would you donate clean, brand new, unopened socks to Buya THIS SUNDAY so that we can get these socks to the people that are going to need them very soon? Bring them to the Underground and give them to one of our leaders.

And here are our Buya Girls and Boys doing there best to spread the love for #Socktober...

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