Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week In Review

1. Coming Soon--HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SECTION In Auditorium on Sundays--Say "what"?! One thing that we want to improve on at Shoal Creek is doing a better job of connecting with the high school students that call Shoal Creek home. It may sound kind of crazy, and make you reminiscent of the college basketball or football games you used to go to, but, we are going to put in a high school student section in the back of the Auditorium on Sundays to experiment with creating space on Sundays that is unmistakably targeted at proving to HS students that we feel they are very special to us. However, we need help staffing this space once we get it put in. Would you be interested in helping our SC high school students feel like Shoal Creek is there home, and that there's a place for them, by contacting me.

2. What about a Mothers/Daughters Small Group at SC? We've had about 16 dads and sons doing an every other week small group now on Sunday mornings at Shoal Creek, and here's what some of them have had to say:
  • "I really enjoyed it and so did my son. We really love that it is every 2 weeks and I am really looking to get even more out of it."
  • "I thought it was a great learning experience I learned things about my sons that I never knew."
  • "I have enjoyed the discussions that have been had in the meeting time and outside."
I've gotten interest from 4 other moms/daughters about trying to start something up for any teenage girl and their mom. Would you be interested? Could you contact me ASAP so we could get something going before the Holidays hit?

3. What is #Socktober!? Well, it's awesome, and our Buya students want to tell you why here.

4. Special Thanksgiving Communion Service Tuesday Nov 22nd, 6:30pm - Communions are a place where the air between Heaven and Earth is thin. Please join us with your whole family to experience musical worship, communion, and encounter God through some specifically designed interactive stations focused on the theme of learning to be thankful as we head into this holiday season. Please RSVP HERE, especially if you need childcare, which will be available for children up through 5th grade--as long as you indicate your need in the comments section.

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