Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dads & Sons Small Group This Sunday at Shoal Creek

If you're a dad and you have a teenage son with whom you want to be on a spiritual journey, then you need to check out Shoal Creek's Dads & Sons small group that happens every other Sunday at 9:30am, in "The Attic" at Shoal Creek. A free breakfast of either pancakes or donuts will also be provided for anyone who attends.

Some comments from the dads that have recently attended:

"I really enjoyed it and so did my son. We really love that it is every 2 weeks and I am really looking to get even more out of it." 
"I thought it was a great learning experience I learned things about my sons that I never knew." 
"I have enjoyed the discussions that have been had in the meeting time and outside."
This Sunday's discussion will revolve around the words we use and the importance of "taming our tongue"--kind of relevant considering the circumstances, huh?

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