Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Currently Immense Need for Youth Leaders In Our Area

Chances are, you are only where you are in life because when you were in your adolescent years, someone saw through your pimples and indifference, and spoke to you in a way that changed your life. You were in a a vulnerable, impressionable place, and someone older than you took the time to actually SEE you--and not just for who you were, but for who you could be. When you were younger and in your teenage years, someone older than you chose to make you feel dignified and respected and like the adult you were striving to become.

Who would you currently be if not for them? What would be different in your life right now had they not been there for you?

You may not realize it, but there is an IMMENSE NEED for youth volunteers at Shoal Creek, and in the Northland.

What current needs are there?

1 - At Shoal Creek, there are only TWO adult males currently trying to connect with ALL the high school boys that call Shoal Creek home. There are two men who have identified themselves as willing and able to help high school aged young men grow into grown men by giving up time each week to build relationships with our young men at Shoal Creek, showing them just one step at a time how to not just "get through" life, but enjoy the goodness God has put into each moment. I refuse to believe there aren't any other men at Shoal Creek that God has called to make an investment in relationships with the teenage boys that call Shoal Creek home. Surely there are more guys at Shoal Creek that would be willing to make a difference in the life of another young man, and pay forward the compassion our mentors gave us when we ourselves were in need that long (or perhaps not so long!) time ago.

Are you a man who has benefited from another man's influence in yours? Would you be willing to talk to me about making a difference in the lives of the teenage boys that currently attend Shoal Creek, or might in the near future? Contact me if so.

2 - I have recently become aware of 60--SIXTY--high school students interested in attending a small group for the sake of learning who God is through the bible. However, 40--FORTY--of those students will have no chance of connecting with God through a small group because there is a shortage of volunteers willing help facilitate those small group environments. Of those forty students that would meet for a small group, nearly all are high school girls. It just feels unacceptable to me to have to tell 40 teenagers, "Sorry, good luck on your own."

Are you at least interested in learning if you might be one of the ones that could help these girls be a part of a small group that could introduce them to what God's says about self worth, body image, non-backstabbing friendships, and the like? Would you be willing to talk to me about what getting involved could look like? Please contact me if so.

3 - Every Sunday at Shoal Creek during our 11am service we have a ROCKIN' cool middle school program called Buya. Unfortunately, sometimes the schedules of our extremely committed volunteers keep them from being there on Sundays from time to time. We are short on enough Sunday morning volunteers to always ensure that each middle school student can always have an experience that leaves them thinking, "Wow! I hope I get to come back to Buya next week!" Occasionally the schedules of our current volunteers align in random, unfortunate ways, and there will be ZERO female volunteers available to lead our middle school girls.

Middle schoolers are fun, super-open to new friendships, and easily won over by any adult that is willing to make them feel as special as they deserve to feel. Could you see yourself joining our Sunday morning Buya Team and helping us make sure that every middle schooler gets the attention they deserve on a Sunday morning? Contact me if so.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, I know that God is a good, loving, always-in-control-God, and that he is going to move in the hearts of those (you?) called to serve teenagers at Shoal Creek and in the Northland. And, in all of this, I'm completely willing to take the blame in not putting Shoal Creek's student ministry needs out publicly enough, regularly enough, to draw out whom God is stirring to do something about this immense need we currently have.

Would you take the time to search yourself, seek God, and speak to me if something stirs in you when you think about the teenagers that needs guidance?

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