Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Inspiration For Today

How scary it must be to be a worm (if a worm could ever possibly be conscious of such a thing). When storms come (like they did in our area last night), worms are flooded out of their homes into the open, hostile over-world, to be picked up and carried off into the frothing mouths of nesting birdlings. Or, perhaps even more terrifyingly, to be carried away by the grubby hands of my children where they will be overly pinched and squeezed, like a nightmare chiropractic experience.

Indeed, they are low on the totem pole.

My inspiration for today may not seem very inspirational at first. But I connected very much to Isaiah 41:14 this morning, which says, "Though you are a lowly worm..don't be afraid...for I will help you."

At first that sounds insulting--whom among us wants to be called a worm? But I do often feel very low on the totem pole, and very out of control of experiences that seem to threaten my experience. At times, I often feel lowly, and unable to save myself from forces bigger than myself.

That God would tell a worm to not be afraid, that God would tell something so low on the world's totem pole that He would help him, is an incredible mystery that I hope you take some comfort in, or would be at least willing to consider today.

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