Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week In Review

1. There are four big needs still yet to be filled for the Halloween Bash be successful this Sunday evening, from 5-7pm. Would you take a look at them here to see if you can help?

2. Could you specifically fill a popcorn popping/serving shift at the Halloween Bash, either from 4-5pm or 6:15-7:30pm? Contact me if so.

3. NO BUYA This Sunday, please attend service as a family. This coming Sunday's service will be a more reflective service, with a communion element. As this only happens on Sundays about 3-4 times all year, we encourage you to attend this experience as a family, so Buya will not be open. Pancakes will still be served between 10:30-11am in the Attic for the High School students.

4. Dads/Sons Small Group THIS Sunday, 9:30am-10:30am, in The Attic - Do you have a teenage son that you want to share a spiritual journey with? Them please join 8-10 other families that have dads and sons pursuing a spiritual journey together, and stay for free pancakes between 10:30am-11am.

5. Coming Soon--HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SECTION In Auditorium on Sundays--Say "what"?! One thing that we want to improve on at Shoal Creek is doing a better job of connecting with the high school students that call Shoal Creek home. It may sound kind of crazy, and make you reminiscent of the college basketball or football games you used to go to, but, we are going to put in a high school student section in the back of the Auditorium on Sundays to experiment with creating space on Sundays that is unmistakably targeted at proving to HS students that we feel they are very special to us. However, we need help staffing this space once we get it put in. Would you be interested in helping our SC high school students feel like Shoal Creek is there home, and that there's a place for them, by talking with me? 

6. Young Life Club is ON this coming Tuesday, 7:47pm-9:15pm. Contact me if interested in getting your high school student connected. We currently have about 6 high school students that regularly attend, and would love to bring more.

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