Here's your week in review in case you missed anything we put out in the past week!
HS Girls Chipotle Lunch THIS SUNDAY after second service at Chipotle! We have a new leader for our HS girls that we'd love to get connected to you and your daughters! Kailyn will be helping out regularly on Sundays, leading a small group, and taking girls with her to our local Young Life Club every week. Would love for you to meet her! Please contact me if your daughter can go (and you can go too moms!)
First HS Girls Small Group Tues 10/25 - This is going to be happening this coming Tuesday, so contact me if you have a daughter that wants to attend, and I'll get you details on exactly when/where they're meeting up.
Presently Picking Popcorn People for Halloween Bash! - The Student Ministries at Shoal Creek are going to be in charge of supplying popcorn to all the families that come, and that means we need about 8-10 total families to SIGN UP FOR A SHIFT HERE or just reply to this email!
This Week's "Must Read" - The Scary Facts About Bullying That Everyone Should Know
One Way To Pray With Your Children - Prayer is supposed to be consistent part of a spiritual journey, and that means that we have to figure out some way to help our kids engage in the practice of prayer. Here's one way to think about it.
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